About the Body Tuneup Shop
"We fix People" Its not just a slogan but it is actually what we do. We improve people's lives every day!
You know the feeling... the feeling of how your car feels after a tune-up. It seems as though everything about the car is improved. It runs smoother, steers better and feels like it has more "pep".
The concept of a tune-up for the body grew out of the responses and feedback we were getting. Clients would repeatedly say "Wow! I feel like I just had a tuneup or an oil change because I feel so great". Since there were no other services offering the same type of results and treatment, it was decided that the need and demand called for the development of a "tune-up shop for people".
Ironically people tend to take better care of their cars than they do of their own bodies. They take their cars in for regular oil changes, detailing and tuneups yet they rarely if ever have "preventative maintenance" done on their own personal vehicle - their body.
A tune-up is "preventive maintenance" for the body since its objective is to improve the function of the whole being by improving its form and alignment.
You know the feeling... the feeling of how your car feels after a tune-up. It seems as though everything about the car is improved. It runs smoother, steers better and feels like it has more "pep".
The concept of a tune-up for the body grew out of the responses and feedback we were getting. Clients would repeatedly say "Wow! I feel like I just had a tuneup or an oil change because I feel so great". Since there were no other services offering the same type of results and treatment, it was decided that the need and demand called for the development of a "tune-up shop for people".
Ironically people tend to take better care of their cars than they do of their own bodies. They take their cars in for regular oil changes, detailing and tuneups yet they rarely if ever have "preventative maintenance" done on their own personal vehicle - their body.
A tune-up is "preventive maintenance" for the body since its objective is to improve the function of the whole being by improving its form and alignment.