Body Tuneup Procedure
A tune-up consists of three stages:
1. Diagnostics
2. Repair
3. Testing
DIAGNOSTICS - Determine the Pattern of Diagonal Compensation with Muscle Testing
The first objective of the Body Tuneup is to determine the pattern of diagonal compensation to know where to begin working. A common muscle to test is the biceps muscle. The weaker bicep is found on the side opposite the "longer" leg. The longer leg is stronger in extension and weak in flexion, and heavier to lift off the table in the lying position. The "short" leg tests exactly opposite with the bicep being stronger in the diagonal compensation pattern.
This is the compensation pattern of a large majority of the population and is actually called the Common Compensatory Pattern (CCP). The CCP was first observed and confirmed by the osteopathic profession in the 1970's. Once the pattern of compensation is determined, MyoTonix is used to energize the hypotonic muscles.
REPAIR- MyoTonix Treatment
MyoTonix uses 8 acupressure points to energize 8 specific muscles. These muscles have the most dramatic effect on "tuning up" your tensegrity. As the foundation of the body, the feet are addressed first by evening out the arches. Next, the knees are realigned. The realignment of the foot arches and knees balances the pelvis and the center of gravity. Next, the shoulders and arms are realigned. All this is done by your own muscles! There is no manipulation, pulling, stretching or adjusting using force.
TESTING - Test and Re- Test to Confirm the Correction
A Body Tuneup uses feedback from your body to confirm the correction of the muscle imbalance. First, the target muscle is tested to see if there is engagement of the rest of your body "to help". A muscle is confirmed as being weak when there little or no engagement of the rest of the body to stabilize and the target muscle strains and fails. A sign of correcting the muscle imbalance is to re-test and note the level of engagement of the rest of your body. A satisfactory result is gotten when your entire body engages as a unit and there is no localized strain in the target muscle.
Now we take advantage of your "tuned up body" and put it to work to "lock in" the corrections we achieved using MyoTonix in the Repair stage by performing "tensegrity exercises". A tensegrity exercise is a whole-body exercise where your body is bracing and holding as a single unit against the force of gravity in various different positions. Performing the exercise with perfect form and technique ensures the posture is aligned and training tensegrity. Tensegrity exercises are about full-body engagement and integration, teaching the body to stabilize rather than mobilize. Stability provides the foundation needed to allow purposeful and coordinated movement to occur.
1. Diagnostics
2. Repair
3. Testing
DIAGNOSTICS - Determine the Pattern of Diagonal Compensation with Muscle Testing
The first objective of the Body Tuneup is to determine the pattern of diagonal compensation to know where to begin working. A common muscle to test is the biceps muscle. The weaker bicep is found on the side opposite the "longer" leg. The longer leg is stronger in extension and weak in flexion, and heavier to lift off the table in the lying position. The "short" leg tests exactly opposite with the bicep being stronger in the diagonal compensation pattern.
This is the compensation pattern of a large majority of the population and is actually called the Common Compensatory Pattern (CCP). The CCP was first observed and confirmed by the osteopathic profession in the 1970's. Once the pattern of compensation is determined, MyoTonix is used to energize the hypotonic muscles.
REPAIR- MyoTonix Treatment
MyoTonix uses 8 acupressure points to energize 8 specific muscles. These muscles have the most dramatic effect on "tuning up" your tensegrity. As the foundation of the body, the feet are addressed first by evening out the arches. Next, the knees are realigned. The realignment of the foot arches and knees balances the pelvis and the center of gravity. Next, the shoulders and arms are realigned. All this is done by your own muscles! There is no manipulation, pulling, stretching or adjusting using force.
TESTING - Test and Re- Test to Confirm the Correction
A Body Tuneup uses feedback from your body to confirm the correction of the muscle imbalance. First, the target muscle is tested to see if there is engagement of the rest of your body "to help". A muscle is confirmed as being weak when there little or no engagement of the rest of the body to stabilize and the target muscle strains and fails. A sign of correcting the muscle imbalance is to re-test and note the level of engagement of the rest of your body. A satisfactory result is gotten when your entire body engages as a unit and there is no localized strain in the target muscle.
Now we take advantage of your "tuned up body" and put it to work to "lock in" the corrections we achieved using MyoTonix in the Repair stage by performing "tensegrity exercises". A tensegrity exercise is a whole-body exercise where your body is bracing and holding as a single unit against the force of gravity in various different positions. Performing the exercise with perfect form and technique ensures the posture is aligned and training tensegrity. Tensegrity exercises are about full-body engagement and integration, teaching the body to stabilize rather than mobilize. Stability provides the foundation needed to allow purposeful and coordinated movement to occur.