Our Approch

A Body Tuneup is a unique experience that uses MyoTonix (Myo = muscle, Tonix = tension/tone) a revolutionary treatment that activates the neuromuscular system through acupressure to restore tone to weak muscles, improving tensegrity and allowing your body to align and function better ! MyoTonix has its origins in acupressure and incorporates the principles of osteopathy, tensegrity and the unique qualities of fascia.
MyoTonix Taps Into the Intelligence of Your Fascia and Tensegrity
Since all of us are subject to the constant strain of gravity, our bodies are only able to remain upright and functional by the tension of our muscles. Our bones don't hold us up - they are essentially struts and only go where the attaching muscles pull them - a concept known as tensegrity (tension + integrity) where muscle tone governs the integrity, dimension and alignment of your body through the fascia. In a balanced tensegrity , bones don't actually compress but "float" in a network of fascia governed by continuous resting muscle tension or tone. The tone of your muscles increases in standing and weight bearing and deceases when you're lying down and during deep sleep.
Fascia is the continuous 3-dimensional connective tissue network that binds every one of your estimated 273 trillion cells together to make one single body. Since muscle cells are wrapped and enveloped in the continuous fascia network as well, by maintaining a resting tension or tone your muscles are responsible for the 3 dimensional shape and alignment of your body and every one of your 273 trillion cells. Your tensegrity determines your form and therefore your function!
Gravity forces "Positional Muscles Imbalances" in Your Body
Your body has to compensate against gravity to maintain equilibrium and an economical state to function. Gravity forces certain muscles to stretch, and experience"stretch weakness". Muscles attaching on the opposite side of the bone or joint tighten from "adaptative shortening". These imbalances are referred to as positional or postural muscle imbalances. Muscles with high resting tension are called hypertonic muscles - they are tight and have high resistance to stretch. Hypotonic muscles have low resting tension and are loose or slack and have lower resistance to stretch. Since the tight muscles are adaptatively shortened and the result of the stretched muscles, MyoTonix targets the weak, hypotonic muscles hence the name muscle + tone.
Diagonal Compensation is Ideally Efficient
Tensegrity is perfectly suited to allow your body to compensate in all 3 dimensions simultaneously by adjusting tension in the fascia network via the muscles. By compensating diagonally across the length of the body (left leg/right arm, right leg/left arm) tensegrity allows for maintenance of a mid-line and equilibrium with the least amount of energy expenditure, making it essentially universal in all humans. Diagonal compensation results in a s-shaped scoliotic curve in the spine . This pattern of diagonal compensation (left leg/right arm, right leg/left arm) is so universally common it was actually named the Common Compensatory Pattern and was first recognized by the osteopathic physician J. Gordon Zink in 1979 (see the image below)
MyoTonix Taps Into the Intelligence of Your Fascia and Tensegrity
Since all of us are subject to the constant strain of gravity, our bodies are only able to remain upright and functional by the tension of our muscles. Our bones don't hold us up - they are essentially struts and only go where the attaching muscles pull them - a concept known as tensegrity (tension + integrity) where muscle tone governs the integrity, dimension and alignment of your body through the fascia. In a balanced tensegrity , bones don't actually compress but "float" in a network of fascia governed by continuous resting muscle tension or tone. The tone of your muscles increases in standing and weight bearing and deceases when you're lying down and during deep sleep.
Fascia is the continuous 3-dimensional connective tissue network that binds every one of your estimated 273 trillion cells together to make one single body. Since muscle cells are wrapped and enveloped in the continuous fascia network as well, by maintaining a resting tension or tone your muscles are responsible for the 3 dimensional shape and alignment of your body and every one of your 273 trillion cells. Your tensegrity determines your form and therefore your function!
Gravity forces "Positional Muscles Imbalances" in Your Body
Your body has to compensate against gravity to maintain equilibrium and an economical state to function. Gravity forces certain muscles to stretch, and experience"stretch weakness". Muscles attaching on the opposite side of the bone or joint tighten from "adaptative shortening". These imbalances are referred to as positional or postural muscle imbalances. Muscles with high resting tension are called hypertonic muscles - they are tight and have high resistance to stretch. Hypotonic muscles have low resting tension and are loose or slack and have lower resistance to stretch. Since the tight muscles are adaptatively shortened and the result of the stretched muscles, MyoTonix targets the weak, hypotonic muscles hence the name muscle + tone.
Diagonal Compensation is Ideally Efficient
Tensegrity is perfectly suited to allow your body to compensate in all 3 dimensions simultaneously by adjusting tension in the fascia network via the muscles. By compensating diagonally across the length of the body (left leg/right arm, right leg/left arm) tensegrity allows for maintenance of a mid-line and equilibrium with the least amount of energy expenditure, making it essentially universal in all humans. Diagonal compensation results in a s-shaped scoliotic curve in the spine . This pattern of diagonal compensation (left leg/right arm, right leg/left arm) is so universally common it was actually named the Common Compensatory Pattern and was first recognized by the osteopathic physician J. Gordon Zink in 1979 (see the image below)
The Common Compensatory Pattern
Copyright Body Tuneup Shop Inc.
Copyright Body Tuneup Shop Inc.
MyoTonix Targets Muscle Weakness with Acupressure
Since chronic muscle imbalance is positional, it is logical to treat the muscles that are most strained - where the body "collapses" most against gravity. The exact location on a bone where said bone is most out of position in all 3 dimensions is the point of maximum weakness in the muscle responsible for holding the bone in position. This is called a trigger point or an acupressure point. Since muscle tension is "stored energy" this point can be viewed as a point of lowest energy. The point can be treated with various forms of energy - cold laser, magnets, heat (moxibustion) and pressure as with Myotonix, . When pressure is applied to the point, it energizes the hypotonic muscle via the neuromuscular system, restoring tone and improving tensegrity. Eight points are treated with pressure during a Body Tuneup.
Think of acucpuncture points as dimmer switches on the lights in your home. If you turn the knob all the way to the right, the lights will burn brighter and stronger because they are getting more electrical current. Likewise the longer the acupressure point is pressed, the stronger the muscle becomes. The points themselves can be viewed as "secondary dimmer switches" that when treated, affect the "master control" dimmer in the brain. There is recent evidence from a study performed at Harvard Medical School that confirms that acupuncture affects the limbic system and the subcortical gray structures of the brain which plays a role in controlling muscle tone throughout the the motor system.
Since chronic muscle imbalance is positional, it is logical to treat the muscles that are most strained - where the body "collapses" most against gravity. The exact location on a bone where said bone is most out of position in all 3 dimensions is the point of maximum weakness in the muscle responsible for holding the bone in position. This is called a trigger point or an acupressure point. Since muscle tension is "stored energy" this point can be viewed as a point of lowest energy. The point can be treated with various forms of energy - cold laser, magnets, heat (moxibustion) and pressure as with Myotonix, . When pressure is applied to the point, it energizes the hypotonic muscle via the neuromuscular system, restoring tone and improving tensegrity. Eight points are treated with pressure during a Body Tuneup.
Think of acucpuncture points as dimmer switches on the lights in your home. If you turn the knob all the way to the right, the lights will burn brighter and stronger because they are getting more electrical current. Likewise the longer the acupressure point is pressed, the stronger the muscle becomes. The points themselves can be viewed as "secondary dimmer switches" that when treated, affect the "master control" dimmer in the brain. There is recent evidence from a study performed at Harvard Medical School that confirms that acupuncture affects the limbic system and the subcortical gray structures of the brain which plays a role in controlling muscle tone throughout the the motor system.